My name is Lisa Wong and I am a gynecologist in Mount Elizabeth Hospital, Singapore. I have been practising as a doctor since 1993.
After qualifying as a specialist gynecologist in Singapore, I completed an additional 3-year programme in cancer surgery at the Royal Marsden Hospital Gynecology Unit in London.
I am an Accredited Gynaecological Oncologist[?] certified by UK's Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynecologists (RCOG). My area of expertise revolves around women's cancers or Gynecological Oncology. I am the immediate past president of the Society for Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology of Singapore (SCCPS) as well as the current Chairperson of Gynaecological Oncology in the Academy of Medicine Singapore (AMS)
I left Singapore General Hospital (SGH) and the National Cancer Centre (NCC) in 2009 to start my private practice at the Mount Elizabeth Medical Centre in Singapore. Most of my gynecological and cancer surgeries are performed in the adjoining Mount Elizabeth Hospital. Robotic surgeries will be done in the Mount Elizabeth Novena Hospital. Mount Elizabeth Hospital is the biggest hospital in the Parkway Group. It has been operating since 1979 and is accredited by the Joint Commission International (JCI) .
What I Do
In my clinic, I see patients for general female / gynecology conditions (eg. abnormal bleeding, discharge, genital warts, fibroids and ovarian cysts). On top of that, I perform routine health screening tests including checking for breast lumps, pap smear & colposcopy, ultrasound scans and administer HPV vaccines. I regularly perform operations such as LEEP, laser cone biopsy, hysterectomy, Wertheim radical hysterectomy, myometomy. A gynecologist in Singapore would not perform breast surgery but would refer breast cancer patients to a breast surgeon.
I am available for consults and opinions for suspected female or gynecological cancers such as cervical cancer, ovarian cancer, uterine cancer and cancer affecting the vagina and vulva. I will discuss with you and your doctor the best treatment options. This may include pelvic surgery and co-management with specialists from other disciplines such as medical and radiation oncology, as well as urology, colorectal surgery and sometimes reconstructive cosmetic surgery.
If surgery forms a part of the recommended course of treatment, an assessment will be made to see how the operation can best be done. Where possible, I will perform the surgery in a minimally invasive manner, that is, through keyhole or robotic surgery. Certain operations such as the hysterectomy are now commonly performed laparoscopically (through key-holes). Mount Elizabeth Hospital is one of the few centres offering robotic surgery in Singapore. This advanced technology enables precision surgery, helps reduce the size of the scars and, in many cases, enable patients to recover best from a gynecological or oncology operation.
Dokter Kandungan di Singapore dan Dokter Spesialis Ginekologi Onkologi - Ahli Yang Mengobati Kanker Perempuan
Nama saya Dr Lisa Wong dan saya adalah dokter kandungan yang bertempat di Singapore. Saya sudah praktek sebagai dokter sejak tahun 1993. Selama bertahun-tahun, saya bekerja sebagai dokter kandungan di Singapore General Hospital (Rumah Sakit Umum Singapura).
Setelah saya lulus sebagai dokter kandungan, saya menyelesaikan program pelatihan 3 tahun dalam bidang operasi kanker dan manajemen di Royal Marsden Hospital[?] Gynaecology Unit di London. Saya sekarang seorang RCOG (Royal College of Obstetrics & Gynecologist, London) yang sudah disahkan sebagai spesialis ginekologi onkologi, ahli bedah yang ahli dalam mengobati kanker perempuan.
Wanita dengan kanker memiliki banyak pilihan pengobatan. Pilihannya adalah pembedahan,terapi radiasi,kemoterapi, atau kombinasi metode. Pilihan pengobatan terutama tergantung pada ukuran tumor dan apakah kanker telah menyebar. Pilihan perawatan dapat juga tergantung pada apakah Anda merencanakan untuk hamil suatu hari nanti.
Klinik saya terletak di Mount Elizabeth Medical Centre di Singapura. Pasien dapat memilih Mount Elizabeth Hospital atau Rumah Sakit Mount Alvernia untuk operasi.
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